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pm kisan gov in Beneficiary Status List Village wise KYC Login 2024 Recruitment

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The installment to be received under PM Kisan Nidhi Yojana has been deposited in the accounts of eligible farmers yesterday, 29 February 2024. Till now farmers have received the amount in 16 installments. 17th installment will be released after next 3 months Beneficiary Status 2024

Not all farmers get benefits under Pradhan Mantri Kisan Yojana. For this, eligibility criteria have been set by some governments and only those farmers who fall within the scope of these qualifications are approved to receive this amount. Otherwise its form is rejected. Till now, more than 11 crore farmers are joining this scheme and are receiving their annual installment amount. After applying in the scheme, the department identified by the state government examines the received forms and adds them to the approved list.

PM Kisan Saman Nidhi Yojana 2024 Beneficiary List Check here

To check whether the installment amount has come to the farmer’s account or not, the department has started a portal in which you can check your account statement by filling the relevant details. This amount is deposited in the account of some farmers immediately, while sometimes it may take some time for the amount to be deposited in the account of some farmers and this amount is not deposited in the account of some farmers at all. In such a situation, every eligible farmer should remain active and keep checking his beneficiary status.

If they have not received the installment amount, then what could be the reason for this, it will also be mentioned in your statement, otherwise you can contact the helpline number given by the department and ask the reason for rejection.

pm kisan gov in Beneficiary Status List Link

Below you will find all types of related links. E How to do KYC, how to register a new farmer, how to check status, how to download the beneficiary list, how to do name correction in Aadhaar, what will be the process of online refund etc. are being explained below.

योजनाPM किसान सम्मान निधि योजना
Beneficiary Status LinkActive
16th Installment Beneficiary ListPDF Download
New Registration LinkClick here
E-KYC Click here
17th Installment

PM Kisan OTP Based KYC Process in Hindi

  • कुछ किसानों को पीएम किसान सम्मन निधि की लगातार किस्त प्राप्त हो रही है लेकिन अचानक से 16वीं किस्त उनके खाते में नहीं आई
  • उसका एक कारण यह भी हो सकता है कि आपने अभी तक ओटीपी बेस्ट केवाईसी की प्रक्रिया पूरी नहीं की है
  • ई केवाईसी प्रोसेस इसलिए करवाई जाती है कि आपको जो किस्त प्राप्त हो रही है उसमें किसी बिचौलिया का तो लाभ नहीं मिल रहा है क्योंकि सरकार चाहती है इसका लाभ सीधे किसानों को ही मिले.
  • केवाईसी प्रोसेस कैसे पूरी करनी है हम इसके बारे में आपको बताने जा रहे हैं
  • सबसे पहले आधिकारिक वेबसाइट पर जाना होगा।
  • यहां पर आपको नीचे स्क्रॉल करने पर E-KYC का ऑप्शन दिखाई देगा, आपको इस पर क्लिक करना है
  • क्लिक करने के बाद आपके सामने एक बॉक्स ओपन होगा जहां पर आपको अपना आधार नंबर भरना है
  • आधार नंबर भरने के बाद आपको Search के बटन पर क्लिक करना है
  • उसके आगे आपको मोबाइल नंबर भरना होगा, बाद में आपको ओटीपी प्राप्त होगी, ओटीपी भरकर और साथ में कैप्चा कोड भरकर आप सबमिट करें
  • आपकी ई केवाईसी की प्रक्रिया से पूरी हो जाएगी

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What is the PM 2000 RS scheme?

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